Sunday, 17 August 2008


We use the word depressed so often that we fail to think not to use it as casually as we do. Before studing psychology I did not understand depression and use the word so often that it Annoyed my friends. Now I never say I am depressed as I now have more knowleage and understanding that depression is an illness. It is classifeid as a mental disorder , do not be surprise if you did not know. However, I must make it clear it does not not mean you are insain. The rate of depression as risen in the pass ten years one may ask why? . Well if we look at socety today we can only say it has become more stressfull for most families and relationships. Depression is both psychological and biological an example of a psychological factor is stess . While an individual genetic makeup can cause depression this is so as some types of depression that run in families , which make psychologist have suggesting a biological vulnerability. Some signs and symptoms are obvious such as loss or increase in weight, reduce sex drive, other not so obvious symptoms to others are digestive problems, suicidal thinking, insomnia and even chronic pain. Well all I can say don’t worry if your family have a history of depression it does not mean you will be depressed. The key to overcome depression is happiness go out meet people have laugh. What works for me and many others is exercise, do not be surprise it works because when you exercise the neurotransmitters in your brain are stimulated to produce serotonin which is an endorphin a feel good natural drug. This is why after exercise you might notice you feel highly confident and your mood also change.

Friday, 15 August 2008


What is cheating? well it is an act of deception; one might ask why people cheat?. The only thing I can think of at this moment is just ask a cheat as they are the only ones with the correct answer. However, one of the most obvious and talk about reasons for cheating on your partner is unhappiness in a relationship. While there are other reasons such as financial, sexual and lack of excitement in a relationship, yes I am correct and you all know it. Well those excuses do not give anyone the right to cheat. Please also remember cheating can affect the family for example if you have kids they might find it difficult if they are aware also it may lead to divorce. As for me I hate a cheat especially the ones who get caught and gave silly explanation such as it my first time. Ha ! Ha! The first time you got caught. All I want to say if you decide to cheat be careful ask yourself is it worth it or just don’t.


I know how it feels to be a mother I am one myself. However, it can be hard with teenagers they think we do not understand them. Well sometimes we don't my advice to all parents of teens is this; keep up with what new in fashion, music, sport and even games. You might be saying Carlotta I have no time to be doing such a thing. However, I know will help the communication between you and your teenagers also this will bring more fun to the family. Rember teenagers are going through a lot today body changes and peer pressure. So take some time out and get to know your teens have some fun with them. Rember a family that play together stay together.

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

The Famliy

When I think of family the few words that come to my mind and others are attachment, bond, marriage, children, fun, hate, stress, death, depression, divorce , home and love. I could go on and list more than a 100 words that are related to the family. However, chatting with my kids, friends and even strangers these are the words that where the most frequent. When ask to think of word randomly is related to the family. The word that top the list is LOVE it is the most powerful of them all.